How to Help Your Collection Agency Get You Paid

December 14, 2023 by Philip Weaver - Revenue Assurance Partners

It’s the nature of the beast, the law of averages. Whatever you choose to call it – some of your accounts are going to end up past due. You’re going to have to call on a professional to help you collect. So, you hand the account off. It’s up to the agency now. You’ve done all you can. Right? Maybe. In my 40 years in this industry there’s plenty you can ...

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How to Select a Commercial Collection Agency for Your Bad Debt

December 7, 2023 by Philip Weaver - Revenue Assurance Partners

When customers owe you money, trying to collect those debts by yourself can be a huge challenge. Not only is it time-consuming to track down delinquent payers, asking clients for the money you’re owed can lead to some very uncomfortable conversations. If outstanding debts are a regular or er even a one-time source of stress in your business, you might want to consider hiring a debt collection agency like Revenue Assurance Partners. Commercial collection ...

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